Sunday 1 July 2012

Data Warehousing Glossary

Aggregation: One way of speeding up query performance. Facts are summed up for selected dimensions from the original fact table. The resulting aggregate table will have fewer rows, thus making queries that can use them go faster.
Attribute: Attributes represent a single type of information in a dimension. For example, year is an attribute in the Time dimension.
Conformed Dimension: A dimension that has exactly the same meaning and content when being referred to from different fact tables.
Data Mart: Data marts have the same definition as the data warehouse (see below), but data marts have a more limited audience and/or data content.
Data Warehouse: A warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant and non-volatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process (as defined by Bill Inmon).
Data Warehousing: The process of designing, building, and maintaining a data warehouse system.
Dimension: The same category of information. For example, year, month, day, and week are all part of the Time Dimension.
Dimensional Model: A type of data modeling suited for data warehousing. In a dimensional model, there are two types of tables: dimensional tables and fact tables. Dimensional table records information on each dimension, and fact table records all the "fact", or measures.
Dimensional Table: Dimension tables store records related to this particular dimension. No facts are stored in a dimensional table.
Drill Across: Data analysis across dimensions.
Drill Down: Data analysis to a child attribute.
Drill Through: Data analysis that goes from an OLAP cube into the relational database.
Drill Up: Data analysis to a parent attribute.

Data Warehousing Books

Below is a list of 5 most recently-published books related to data warehousing. You can also view the books according to the following subject areas:
Oracle Warehouse Builder
Oracle Warehouse Builder 11G R2: Getting Started
Published on

This book talks about how to use Oracle Warehouse Builder 11G R2.

Microsoft Data Warehouse Toolkit
The Microsoft Data Warehouse Toolkit: With SQL Server 2008 R2 and the Microsoft Business Intelligence Toolset
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This book explains how to build a data warehouse using the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and Office 2010 technology, including discussions on PowerPivot for Excel and SharePoint, Master Data Services, as well as updated capabilities of SQL Server Analysis, Integration, and Reporting Services.

Business Intelligence Strategy
Business Intelligence Strategy; A Practical Guide for Achieving BI Excellence
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Geared toward IT management and business executives seeking to excel in business intelligence initiatives, this practical guide explores creating business alignment strategies that help prioritize business requirements, build organizational and cultural strategies, increase IT efficiency, and promote user adoption.

Pentaho Kettle Solutions
Pentaho Kettle Solutions: Building Open Source ETL Solutions with Pentaho Data Integration
Published on

This practical book is a complete guide to installing, configuring, and managing Pentaho Kettle. Get up to speed on Kettle basics and learn how to apply Kettle to create ETL solutions. Learn how to design and build every phase of an ETL solution.

Data Modeling A Beginners Guide
Data Modeling, A Beginner's Guide
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This book teaches you techniques for gathering business requirements and using them to produce conceptual, logical, and physical database designs.

ETL Books OLAP Books Business Intelligence Books
General Books Data Modeling Books Vendor-Specific Books